Jax loves his new tricycle. We actually got it for him earlier in the summer but he wasn't able to ride it yet so we kept it inside. John would push him around the house until one day he finally got the concept of peddling. We took it outside a few days ago and Jax did really good peddling but he still needs a little practice steering. Isn't he adorable in his helmet? He was very proud of himself that day.
November 14, 2009
November 1, 2009
Trick or Treat
Jax had lots of fun trick-or-treating Mema, Granddaddy and Uncle Jay. Jax decided to go as a "little Asian boy" instead of Mickey Mouse. Our first stop was Mema and Granddaddy's house. There were lots of Jax's favorite treats including M & M's and Goldfish. He also got a new Halloween Snoopy know as Frankenbeegle! So cute. Next, we went to Uncle Jay's house for a little more spookin'. Jax loves the spooky Mr. Potato Head and fuzzy pumpkin bears that he got. A few more M&M's were put in his pumpkin, too. Jax loves Ms! What a fun Halloween for our family!
Carving the Pumpkin
What a fun time John and Jax had carving our pumpkin into an adorable Mickey face! We got our pumpkin last Saturday when we visited Gentry's Farm. It was the perfect pumpkin. Jax was a big help to Daddy as he was cleaning and carving our cute pumpkin.
After a fun breakfast with my friends, John, Jax and I went to Pumpkinfest in downtown Franklin. It was a little dreary so there wasn't a very big crowd but there were some cute spooks and lots of candy. Jax loved seeing all of the kids dressed in different costumes even though he refused to wear his Mickey Mouse costume. We ate lunch at Merridee's Breadbasket which was delicious as always. It was a fun time for us. Next - time to carve the pumpkin!
Breakfast with Friends
My day on Saturday began with a wonderful breakfast with three friends. We enjoyed delicious goodies at Puffy Muffin in Brentwood. It is one of our favorite places. Our dear friend Robbie is visiting for the weekend so we were all happy to get together for a little while. It was a great way to start the day.
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