October 16, 2010

PJ Day

Last week Jax had Pajama Day in his Mother's Day Out class.  It was very odd to say to him "let's get your pjs on" as I was getting him dressed for school.    When I picked him up I  forgot to take a change of clothes.  Not a big deal except I had promised him that we could go shopping for a Halloween costume that afternoon.  I offered to take him home for a quick change but he was totally content to go shopping in his pjs so off to Target we went.  He decided to be a fireman this year and we found the cutest jacket and hat.  He couldn't wait to get home to try it on.  He is an adorable little fireman.  I hope he actually wears his costume this year since last year he refused.  I think he's really excited  so we will see.

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