September 15, 2010

Candy Apple Fun

There is a book that Jax and I read often entitled Where Is Baby's Pumpkin?  It's a Halloween book but we read it throughout the year.  On one page it talks about candy apples so Jax has wanted to make candy apples for a while now.  I found this adorable idea here so I decided this was the perfect opportunity to make candy apples.  The recipe was so easy although it made both John and I a little nervous to have Jax around the hot candy mixture.  He did great and followed directions so all went well.  Jax took a basket to each of his Mother's Day Out teachers and they were thrilled.  A very sweet and simple idea that was easy and fun!

1 comment:

vergne said...

That was a neat thing to do! You are brave. The baskets turned out cute. I hope you've had a nice vacation.
